*** ----> Great Barrier Reef suffers widespread coral bleaching | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Great Barrier Reef suffers widespread coral bleaching

Agencies | Canberra

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is suffering widespread and severe coral bleaching due to high ocean temperatures two years after a mass bleaching event, a government agency said on Friday.

The report by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority, which manages the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, comes three days before a United Nations delegation is due to assess whether the reef’s World Heritage listing should be downgraded due to the ravages of climate change. 

The reef has suffered significantly from coral bleaching caused by unusually warm ocean temperatures in 2016, 2017 and 2020. The previous bleaching damaged two-thirds of the coral reports AP. 

The environmental group Greenpeace said the severe and widespread coral bleaching suffered during a La Niña weather pattern that is associated with cooler Pacific Ocean temperatures was evidence of the Australian government’s failure to protect the coral from the impacts of climate change. 

In July last year, Australia garnered enough international support to defer an attempt by UNESCO, the United Nations’ cultural organization, to downgrade the reef’s World Heritage status to “in danger“ because of damage caused by climate change.

But the question will be back on the World Heritage Committee’s agenda at its next annual meeting in June. A U.N. delegation will inspect the reef’s health next week.