*** ----> Pakistan parliament to begin no-confidence debate against PM Imran Khan today | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pakistan parliament to begin no-confidence debate against PM Imran Khan today

Agencies | Islamabad

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Pakistan's parliament will on Thursday begin a debate of no-confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, which could see the former cricket star ousted and the return of political uncertainty in the nuclear-armed country.

Khan, 69, has been facing mounting criticism of his performance, including his management of an economy beset by high inflation and rising deficits, and he lost his majority in parliament on Wednesday when a main ally quit his coalition.

Parliament will begin debate on Khan's leadership at 4pm (1100 GMT). A vote on the motion must be held by Monday.

On Wednesday, Khan's main parliamentary ally, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), abandoned his coalition and threw its lot in with the opposition seeking to oust him.

Opposition leaders had called on Khan to resign even before he lost his majority in parliament, but his aides have said he will not quit.

Political analysts said Khan enjoyed the support of the military when he won an election to become prime minister in 2018.

Khan has denied ever having the backing of the military and the military denies involvement in civilian politics.