*** European Parliament appoints new Secretary General | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

European Parliament appoints new Secretary General

Agencies | Strasbourg

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bureau of the European Parliament (EP) appointed Alessandro Chiocchetti as the institution’s new Secretary General. The newly appointed Secretary General will take up his functions on January 1.

The appointment follows the decision of the Bureau in June 2022 to accept incumbent Secretary General Klaus Welle’s wish to retire by the end of 2022, the EP said in a statement.

According the European Parliament's Rules of Procedure the Bureau appoints the Secretary General. The process allowed for the Members of the Bureau to hear four different candidates and ask questions. After careful deliberations, the bureau decided with a very large majority to appoint Chiocchetti as Secretary General of the European Parliament.

The Secretary-General is the European Parliament's most senior official. He heads the parliament's administration. Chiocchetti is currently the Head of the Cabinet of the President. Before taking up this post he was Director for Legislative and Committees’ Coordination in the Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union. He has previously served as Deputy Head of Cabinet for the President and Cabinet member for two Secretary-Generals.

The European Parliament's Bureau consists of the President and the 14 Vice-Presidents of the Parliament. The five Quaestors are members of the Bureau in an advisory capacity.