*** ----> Child deaths linked to India-made cough syrup rise to 70 in Gambia | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Child deaths linked to India-made cough syrup rise to 70 in Gambia

Agencies | Banjul           

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Gambia’s government on Friday said the number of child deaths from acute kidney injury, thought to be linked to Indian-made cough syrups, has risen to 70.

President Adama Barrow gave the update at an emergency cabinet meeting which he convened on Thursday to discuss the crisis, according to a presidency statement.

The syrups were found to be made by New Delhi-based Maiden Pharmaceuticals Ltd, which has since had one of its factories shut down in northern India as health authorities there investigate.

Gambia is also investigating the deaths and this week set up a new commission of inquiry to deal with them, the statement said.