*** ----> Biden says ‘intention’ to run again | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Biden says ‘intention’ to run again

Agencies | Washington

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Joe Biden, the oldest person ever in the US presidency, said it’s his “intention” to run again in 2024 and that his wife Jill thinks he should not “walk away.”

Biden’s comments in an interview with MSNBC addressed a question fascinating Washington watchers as Biden approaches his 80th birthday next month.

“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention, my intention to run again, and we have time to make that decision,” Biden told MSNBC.

Asked what the first lady, who is widely judged to be a powerful voice behind the scenes in the White House, thinks of him seeking a second term, Biden indicated she was in favor.

“Dr Biden, my wife, thinks that we’re doing something very important and that I shouldn’t walk away from it,” he said.