*** ----> Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, related events cost £162 million: UK govt | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, related events cost £162 million: UK govt

AFP | London    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Queen Elizabeth II’s state funeral and related events following her death last September cost UK taxpayers nearly £162 million ($201 million), the government revealed yesterday in its first public estimate.

The elaborate state funeral for Britain’s longest-serving monarch, held on September 19, entailed a vast security operation for hundreds of foreign heads of state and royals.

It followed hundreds of thousands of people queuing round the clock for days to view her coffin as it lay in state at the UK parliament in London and in Edinburgh, which also required costly security and logistical arrangements.

In a written statement to parliament, finance minister John Glen said the total estimated cost ran to £161.7 million, with the interior ministry -- responsible for policing -- accounting for the biggest proportion (£73.7 million). The Department for Culture, Media and Sport spent £57.4 million, while the Scottish government billed £18.8 million.