*** ----> Rescue dog that helped find lost kids in Amazon is now missing | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Rescue dog that helped find lost kids in Amazon is now missing

AFP | Bogota, Colombia

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com    

Six-year-old tracker dog Wilson, who went missing during the ultimately successful, weekslong search for four missing Indigenous children in the Colombian Amazon, is now the target of a rescue mission himself.

Dozens of soldiers are scouring the jungle for the canine hero that disappeared on duty two weeks ago, with the military having vowed not to “abandon a fallen comrade” who may have found the children long before the rescue team arrived.

As relief settled in following a happy ending to the 40-day odyssey of Lesly (13), Soleiny, (9) Tien Noriel (5) and one-yearold Cristin, Colombians have been clamoring on social media for the safe return of Wilson as well.

#Let’sGoForWilson, #OneIsMissing and #WilsonNationalHero are some of the tags doing the rounds.

Colombians have also taken to placing posters in their windows to insist: “Missing Wilson,” while others are posting photos of their cats and other pets carrying signs pleading for the dog’s safe return.

“The search is not over,” the army insisted in a statement issued after the children were located last Friday, adding more than 70 soldiers remain deployed in the dense jungle to find the Belgian Shepherd.

They include Cristian David Lara, Wilson’s handler since he was a puppy in training.

Lara, a colleague told the El Espectador newspaper, “does not want to leave until he finds his dog.”

Added General Pedro Sanchez, who headed the search for the children: “We’re going for Wilson, we’re going to bring him back.”


Wilson was the one to find Cristin’s discarded baby bottle in the thick vegetation some four kilometers (2.5 miles) from the wreckage several days after the May 1 small aircraft crash that claimed the lives of all three adults on board, including the siblings’ mother.

As the weeks passed, a team of nearly 200 soldiers and Indigenous jungle experts accompanied by several dogs kept finding signs that the kids were alive: half-eaten fruit, discarded diapers, makeshift shelters and footprints.

Then, two weeks ago, “due to the complexity of the terrain, humidity and adverse weather conditions” Wilson must have become “disoriented” and disappeared, the military said in a statement.

After his human comrades lost sight of Wilson, however, evidence emerged that he may have been the first to find the children: a dog’s footprints were spotted near those of the children shortly before the rescue team got to them.

The two older children, Lesly and Soleiny, have since made a drawing of a dog next to a river and amidst trees.