*** ----> Plane with Indian passengers leaves France after police release | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Plane with Indian passengers leaves France after police release

AFP | Paris                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

 A plane with close to 300 Indian passengers detained near Paris over suspicions of human trafficking took off yesterday for Mumbai after being cleared for departure by French police.

The Airbus A340 carrying 303 Indians had been bound for Nicaragua when it was detained last Thursday at Vatry airport, east of Paris, where it had stopped for refuelling. It had arrived from Dubai and there was an anonymous tip-off that it was carrying potential victims of human trafficking.

Of the original 303 people on the passenger list, 276 were on the plane that took off just before 3:00 pm (1400 GMT). Among the passengers staying behind were two people questioned by French police over suspected people trafficking, but a judicial source said police released them after establishing that the 303 passengers had boarded the plane of their own free will.

The French authorities are continuing to investigate the case for violation of immigration laws, but no longer for potential people trafficking, judicial sources said. The suspects’ release came because “the investigating judge was able to resist media pressure in this case”, said their lawyer, Salome Cohen.

The pair have received an expulsion order from France, their lawyers said. The other 25 people have sought asylum in France, the prefecture said. Five of them are minors, it said, updating an earlier figure of two. Their applications would be processed at Charles-de-Gaulle airport. After questioning the passengers for two days, French prosecutors on Sunday gave the go-ahead for the plane to leave.