*** US soldiers in Syria to back anti-IS Kurds: Kurdish sources | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US soldiers in Syria to back anti-IS Kurds: Kurdish sources

US soldiers are in Kobane, the town in northern Syria nearly destroyed in fierce fighting with the Islamic State group, to train Kurdish forces to battle the jihadists, Kurdish sources said Thursday.

Mustapha Abdi, an activist in the town on the Turkish border, told AFP the American instructors had arrived "in recent hours" in what is the first official deployment of US ground troops in Syria.

A source with the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) said the Americans would help plan offensives against two Syrian cities held by IS -- Jarablus and the jihadists' Syrian "capital", Raqa.

At the same time, they would have a role in coordinating with the Kurds and their Arab and Syriac Christian allies on the ground air strikes on IS by the US-lead coalition, the YPG source said.

Abdi said that the troops who had arrived were a "first group of instructors" who would train the Kurds.

He did not say how many of them had arrived or to what branch, or branches, of the military they belong.

However, Rami Abdel Rahman, the director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a British-based monitor, said "more than 50 American instructors have arrived in northern and northeastern Syria".

He said they had arrived in two groups over the past two days, coming from Turkey and from the autonomous Kurdish region of neighbouring Iraq.

He said about 30 of them were in Kobane itself, with the rest in Hasakeh province in eastern Syria.

Abdel Rahman, whose group relies on a local network of sources, said the US troops are expected to regroup in Kobane to train fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces, an alliance of factions backed by the United States.

The news comes after Brett McGurk, President Barack Obama's special envoy to the coalition, said Sunday that US forces would be arriving on the ground "very soon".

At the end of October, Obama authorised the deployment of 50 special operations troops to Syria, and McGurk said their job would be to "organise" local forces.

A key objective will be to "isolate" Raqa, he said.

The alliance of local fighters has already retaken more than 1,000 square kilometres (386 square miles) from IS and killed around 300 IS fighters, McGurk said.

IS began an offensive on the Kobane area, which lies right on the Turkish border, in September of last year. Within just a couple of weeks it had captured scores of villages and towns around Kobane city and attacked it, prompting thousands of Kurds to flee their homes.

After a desperate resistance that drew worldwide attention, the Kurds managed to regain full control of the city in January and eventually retake most of the lost territory.

Caption: Fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) coalition, which includes Kurds, Arabs and Syriac Christians, gather on the outskirts of the northeastern town of Al-Hol, in the Syrian Hasakeh province after they took control of the area from IS group militants (Channel News Asia)

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