*** Police wants you to beware of posting 'daily routine' on social media | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Police wants you to beware of posting 'daily routine' on social media

Dubai Police advised people to avoid posting their daily activities and routines on social media. This is so to avoid being targeted by criminals, or those who may be monitoring their lives closely for various reasons.

Speaking to Emirates 24|7, Lt. Col. Ahmed Al Muhairi, Head of the General Department of Forensic Science and Criminology of Dubai Police said today, people’s privacy has been breached, and it is done by themselves.

“Today, most people post their daily activities on social media. They post where they have breakfast, which clubs they go to, where they live, what jewellery or other expensive things they buy.

“Not only this, the problem is that some parents post pictures of their children, and also the school they go to, their class teachers and friends, as well as all the activities which their kids do after school and on weekly basis.”

Lt. Col. Al Muhairi added that this is not good as one should keep their personal life away from strangers.

“Problem on social media is that you don’t know who is monitoring your life, and who might take advantage of these information and harm you or you families.

“We heard of a case which took place in the US where a woman was posting her daily activities and then one day, a thief broke into her house and robbed her while she was in the club. And she is to be blamed as she gave the thief all the information about her life and made his job easier to rob her while she was away.”

He added that one should be smart while dealing with social media as you are dealing with strangers from all over the world.

“One should keep his life private and especially parents, should not post their kids’ personal details or information about their schools and activities after school. This is to prevent being targeted by suspected criminals.”