*** Dutch cabinet backs partial Islamic burqa ban | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dutch cabinet backs partial Islamic burqa ban

The Hague

 The Dutch cabinet has approved a proposal for a partial ban on face-covering Islamic veils on public transport and in public areas such as schools and hospitals.

 After the cabinet backed a bill by the interior minister, Ronald Plasterk, the government said in a statement: “Face-covering clothing will in future not be accepted in education and healthcare institutions, government buildings and on public transport.”

 The ban would not apply to wearing the burqa or the niqab on the street, only for security reasons or “in specific situations where it is essential for people to be seen”, the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, said.

 He said: “The bill does not have any religious background.” The proposal will be sent to a panel of legal advisers for assessment.

 The government said it had “tried to find a balance between people’s freedom to wear the clothes they want and the importance of mutual and recognisable communication”. It said the cabinet “sees no reason for a general ban that would apply to all public places”.

 A previous bill banning the burka even on the street and dating from Rutte's last government will be withdrawn.

 Those flouting the ban can be fined up to 405 euros ($570).

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