*** Dh1m reward: Child disappearance remains mystery in Saudi | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dh1m reward: Child disappearance remains mystery in Saudi

Saudi police denied that a little girl found dead on a beach in the Gulf Kingdom on Sunday is the one who was abducted last week although she has the same name.

A report went viral on local social networks on Sunday that 2.5-year-old Jouri Al Khaldi was found dead on a beach in the Eastern region, prompting police to issue a statement denying that the body was for the abducted girl.

Police said the girl found dead on the beach is five-years-old and that she has the same name of the abducted child.

“Reports circulated on social media that the abducted Jouri Al Khaldi was found dead on a beach are totally untrue,” police said in a statement published by Alriyadh daily.

“We are pursuing a round-the-clock operation in search for the kidnapped girl. We will issue a statement giving full details about this case and we warn those who circulate such bad rumors on social media networks.”

Jouri was with her relatives at a medical centre in the capital Riyadh last week when she suddenly disappeared. Security cameras inside and outside the centre showed a man was talking to her before he took her out.

A staff member at the centre said she saw her getting into the man’s car, apparently thinking he is her father.

Relatives have announced a cash reward of SR1 million (Dh1m) for information leading to her whereabouts.



Photo Caption: Jouri Al Khaldi is still missing. (Supplied)