*** IS enters Palmyra museum: Syria antiquities chief | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

IS enters Palmyra museum: Syria antiquities chief


 Islamic State group fighters have entered the museum in the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra, placing guards at its doors, the country's antiquities director Mamoun Abdulkarim yesterday.

 He also confirmed that the jihadist group had raised their flag over the ancient citadel that overlooks some of the spectacular Greco-Roman ruins in the city.

 Speaking at a press conference in Damascus, Abdulkarim said some modern plaster statues in the museum had been destroyed, but he did not report any damage to antiquities in the building.

 The jihadists on Thursday "entered the museum and broke some plaster statues... that were being used to represent life in prehistoric eras."

 They returned on Friday, and when they left, "they closed the doors behind them and placed their guards" at the entrance of the museum, Abdulkarim said, citing residents still in the town.

 Most of the antiquities in the museum were removed and brought to Damascus before IS cemented its control of Palmyra. But, there were still items, which weigh three or four tonnes.

Abdulkarim also confirmed that IS fighters had raised their black flag over the 13th century Mamluk Fakhr al-Din al-Maani citadel that overlooks the ruins of Palmyra.