*** ----> N. Korea hackers stole data from S. Korea court computers: police | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

N. Korea hackers stole data from S. Korea court computers: police

AFP | New Delhi     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

North Korean hackers stole sensitive data, including individuals’ financial records, from a South Korean court computer network over two years, Seoul police said yesterday.

The nuclear-armed North is known to operate an army of thousands of hackers operating both inside the largely isolated country and apparently overseas, and has been blamed for several major cyberattacks in the past.

South Korean national police said the hackers pilfered 1,014 gigabytes of data from a court’s computer system from January 2021 to February 2023, citing a joint investigation with the country’s spy agency and prosecutors.

The hackers’ malware transmitted stolen data, including South Koreans’ marriage and personal debt records, to “four domestic and four overseas servers” before it was finally “detected by antivirus software”, the national police said in a statement.