*** Toddler left blind after drone slices his eyeball in half | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Toddler left blind after drone slices his eyeball in half

In a horrible accident, a toddler in England lost one of his eyes recently after a drone hit his face, reports The Independent. 

The 18-month-old boy met with the accident when the drone was being controlled by a family friend and he lost control of the device, a website reported.

The boy's eyeball was sliced into half and he will have to undergo multiple surgeries before a prosthetic eye can be implanted. 

One of the doctors attending the boy at the hospital said that given the popularity of the drones, this kind of an accident was just 'inevitable'. 

United Kingdom's Civil Aviation Authority has issued guidelines on safely flying drones and unmanned aircraft and will hold a public consultation before publishing a government strategy next year.



Photo Caption : Oscar Webb lost his eye in a horrific drone accident after an out-of-control drone hit him in the face nearly two months ago. (Twitter)