*** ----> Ending Israeli Aggression in Gaza: Arab Leaders Forge Joint Plan | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ending Israeli Aggression in Gaza: Arab Leaders Forge Joint Plan

After repeated calls for international institutions and mechanisms to stop the recent Israeli aggression in Gaza since October 7th last year, leaders of the Arab world met at the 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain on Thursday and decided to implement a joint Arab action plan to achieve peace and stability in the region.

It includes a joint declaration requiring member countries to work towards holding a UN meeting for Palestinian statehood so that Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace.

The plan approved by the Arab Summit stresses on the need for a peaceful solution and peaceful coexistence in the region and requires the foreign affairs ministries of all Arab nations to work for collaborating with other peace-loving nations in the world to pressurize for activating the international mechanisms to end the Israeli aggression. It was also agreed to take measures to ensure healthcare for those impacted by conflict and provide medications and injections for them.

During the Summit, the Arab leaders adopted Manama Declaration, which condemned the destructive war against Gaza that led to huge losses in properties and souls and the continuation of Israeli aggression in occupied lands. It also called for an immediate ceasefire, release of all prisoners, and facilitating humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

As an ultimate end to the unrest in Palestine, the Arab leaders have decided to push for a two-state solution based on the borders that existed on June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as Palestine state’s capital.

The special declaration issued about the crisis in Gaza at the Arab Summit demanded permanent ceasefire, stopping displacement and facilitating return of people to their homelands, providing humanitarian aid, to stop targeting of houses and institutions by Israeli forces, and demand a probe into rights violations by Israeli forces in Gaza.

Further, the Arab leaders stressed the sovereignty of the countries in the region and said violations won’t be tolerated. The leaders also stressed peaceful coexistence and agreed to condemn any hate speeches, to secure maritime navigation in accordance with international laws, to keep the region free of nuclear weapons, to double the partnerships with brotherly countries, and to overcome the challenges faced by the region in collaboration with the United States. An official statement regarding these developments at the Arab Summit is awaited.